Bid adieu to 2023.
Hello my cuties, how’s life going? Well, the end of the year is almost here, so today in this post let’s bid adieu to 2023 together.
I don’t know from where to start. If you have been following my blogs, you already know, I don’t have any particular niche. I just try to talk whatever comes out from my heart. And there have been times when I couldn’t be consistent, yet, you all took the time to read my blogs. You all showed your support and I would want to thank you all for that.
The year didn’t start at a good note for me. I still remember how on 1 January 2023, day I could have just died but I still survived. If you haven’t read that story you can read it here.
And then again few months later, there was a time when my grandfather slipped in the bathroom and there was a lot of blood on the floor and since my family sleeps early, I was the first one to encounter that scene.
Well, he is safe now and by god’s grace doing good. I will share the complete incident in some later blog.
And yet the 2023 curse didn’t stop, again after few months, I dropped a glass vase on my head and the blood dripping from was so scary I thought it would be my last day, I will talk about this incident also some day later in complete detail.
Though, there were many downs in this year, which I am sure in the subsequent years when I will look back, it would appear to me as small things, like a lot of things from previous year appears to me as small which seemed like a huge issue then.
Despite all the down’s, I am absolutely grateful to be safe and healthy, to have a roof over my head, to have food on my plate. I couldn’t ask for more.
Well well, enough with the sad stories.. let’s talk about some good stuff now.
If I talk about the things I liked the most in this year they would be, I went on a trip to Ujjain this year. The visit to the mahakaal temple was such a fulfilling experience.
Also, on other note I finally switched my job, I had been working at a toxic work environment for quite a while and I wanted to change it and finally after two years of trying I finally made it. If you don’t know, you could read this post to know how I had to be away from writing blogs for so long as I was preparing for the interviews.
Now before saying bid adieu to 2023. Let’s talk a bit about the future that is 2024. Well, long before I had stopped making any new year resolutions, for once I am never able to fulfill them, also I think that nothing really changes in your life, everything remains same apart from the day, date and the year.
But it doesn’t mean that I don’t plan on improving, for the year 2024 I would really want to write more blog posts, I had so many listed for 2023, but I just couldn’t write. I would not say that I didn’t get the time. Even when I did have the time, I was just busy scrolling reels and you tube shorts. And when I was not scrolling I was just lazy enough.
Apart from that, I would really want to grow my skills in the IT field. And in 2024 I would want to travel to more new places. To be able to spend more time with my family. And just be as much happy as I can.
With this I would want to end my blog post and I wish you all a very happy new year. I hope all you wishes and dreams come true and you lead a very healthy and happy life. Please do remember me in your prayers.
Also, do let me know what are your new year resolutions for 2024 ? And what were your ups and downs in this year?
With that finally let’s bid adieu to 2023.