Some Less Known Facts about Republic Day.
So, why actually is Republic day celebrated?
On 26th January 2020 India celebrated it’s 71st Republic day. It is celebrated every year to honour the date on which Constitution of India came into effect. So, 26th January was chosen as the day because it was this day when declaration of Indian Independence (Purna Swaraj) was proclaimed.
No words could describe the feeling every Indian feel, when they see their National flag unfurl or their National Anthem being played. So, here are some interesting facts about a country with unity in diversity.
<h2>Facts about this day: Part1</h2>
1. The Indian Constitution has the best aspects of the Constitution of other countries. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity was adopted from French Constitution while the Five-Year Plan came from the USSR Constitution.
2. Also, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was sworn in as the first President of India on January 26, 1950. i.e on Republic Day at 10:24 am.
3. So, during the first Republic Day, the President of India was greeted by a 31 gun salute.
4. Awards such as the Kirti Chakra, Padma Awards, and Bharat Ratna are announced on the eve of Republic Day. These awards are then given out on Republic Day.
5. The Indian Air Force came into existence as an independent body on Republic Day. Before this, the Air Force was a controlled body.
<h2>Facts about this day: Part2</h2>
6. The first Republic Day was celebrated three years. It was after we got Independence that is, on January26, 1950. Actually, it took 2 years and 11 months for the Indian Constitution to be drafted.
7. In addition to this, another fun fact about India is that it holds the record of having the world’s longest Constitution. It has 448 Articles in total.
8. One interesting fact about Indian Constitution is that it is handwritten in two languages- Hindi & English. It was signed by 308 members on January 24th, 1950 and became effective two days later.
9. Republic Day celebrations are a 3-day long affair. The celebrations end on January 29 with the Beating Retreat ceremony.
10. A Christian song, Abide With Me, is played at the Republic Day Parade. It is believed to be one of Mahatma Gandhi’s favourite songs
So,I hope you enjoyed reading some less known facts about Republic day. If you know some more facts about Republic Day please do tell me. I would love to know more.
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