benefits of Money plant.
Education / Facts

Benefits of Money Plant: Facts about plants in my house.

Who doesn’t loves greenery? Some of us have our home filled with plants. Yet, we are so unaware of them. So, this series of blog post is all about making everyone aware of the most common plants that I and most of you have in our homes. So, Welcome to part-3 of “Some facts about plants in my house”. And this time let’s find some benefits of Money plant. I am sure most of the households have Money plant in their house. So, it would be interesting to know some less known facts about them.

So, without further ado let’s find some benefits about the money plant:

1. The sap of Money plant is extremely poisonous. So, please be extremely careful while placing the plant and also keep it away from your pets and kids so that they don’t gulp it.

benefits of money plant

2. Many people roast the seeds of the Money plant and have it as a healthy snack. Also, the flowers(if you were thinking that money plant only has leaves then you were wrong, Money plant have a white and creamy flower with a strong fragrance.) and leaves of Money plant are used as vegetables.

seeds of money plant

3. It can remove toxins and harmful elements from the air, thus purifying it. So, if you have a Money plant in your house you will receive an increased supply of oxygen.

4. It helps reduce anxiety and sleep disorders. So, if you have any of these problems keep a money plant in your bedroom or living room.


5. Now, the last fact that I think every one of you might be familiar with is that it is supposed to increase the wealth if kept indoors. But, one of the most bizarre facts about Money plant is that to get it’s most benefit it must be stolen from someone else’s garden.


Hope you guys found these facts useful. You can read previous posts of this series here:

1. Some facts about plants in my house(Aloe Vera): Part 1

2. Some facts about plants in my house(Rose): Part 2

If you know any more facts about Money Plant, don’t forget to tell me by writing them in the comments below.

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Bye-bye till the next time we meet. Till then stay safe, stay happy, and of course, stay positive.

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