benefits of Money plant.
Education / Facts

Benefits of Marigold: Facts about plants in my house.

Welcome to the 4th post of the series on benefits of plants in my house. And this post is all about Marigold. Everyone loves Marigold. Isn’t it? Besides, Being beautiful they have so many benefits too. So, without further ado let’s dive into the benefits of Marigold.

1. Heals skin wounds, burns and rashes.

Marigold has been proved effective to treat wounds, burns and rashes since ages.

When applied on the skin it reduces redness, sensitivity, dryness and swelling.

2. Helps in detoxification of body.

Marigold tea help in detoxification of the body. It also helps in liver detoxification.

3. Marigold’s leaves and flowers are edible.

Marigold leaves and flowers can be used in salads, cakes, pies, deep fried and in many different kind of teas.

Benefits of Marigold.

4. Immune boosting formula.

Marigold drops or extracts are sometimes used to manage symptoms of coughs, sore throat or fever.

5. Eases cramps and spasms.

It is beneficial for reducing muscle spams, stomach cramps, PMS/ menstrual cramps.

So, these were some benefits of our loveliest Marigold. Hope you got to learn something new. Thank you for reading.

You can read my previous post on this series here:

Benefits of Money plant

Also, if you know any more benefits of Marigold or any other amazing benefits about plants in yout garden do let me know in the comments below.

Bye bye till the next time we meet, till then stay safe, stay happy and ofcourse stay positive.

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Are they the one? A beautifully written sad poem on love.