Entertainment / Facts / Life

Ten Random and Weird facts about me!

How are you all? So, I was thinking that it’s time that you know a little more about the person on this side of the blog.πŸ‘». So, in this post I will share ten random and weird facts about me.

And hence, I thought of sharing some weird and random facts about me with you guys. Also, I would love to know some facts about you too. So, do tell them in the comments below.πŸ’™

Without wasting much of your time let’s begin:

Fact no. 1

: I can literally sleep all day long (Also, I can’t sleep without a pillow)😴

Fact no. 2

: I seriously hate people who drink and smoke and find themselves as cool. Rather,people like them piss me off.😀

Fact no. 3

: I know many people are dog lovers. But, I am super duper afraid of them😱.At the same time, I think dogs don’t like me because I really have horrifying stories with them.

Fact no. 4

: I hate winters and also snow.πŸ™€

Fact no. 5

: I want to travel to Disneyland at least once in my life.😍

Fact no. 6

: I hate toxic people.So, I cut them out from my life immediately.

Fact no. 7

: I like peaceful places. And therefore very rarely do I enjoy in places where there is noise.

Fact no. 8

: Also, I definitely am a phone addict. (PS I am trying leaving this habit 😬)

Fact no. 9

: I love flowers.πŸ’

Fact no. 10

: And, the last thing is you will never find a person more lazy than me.πŸ’

Ten Random and weird facts about me

These were some weird and random facts about me. I hope you enjoyed reading them. Do tell me if you could relate to any one of them.

Also, I have some more facts for you. Below are the links to my more blog posts about some interesting facts. You can click on them and do give them a visit and tell me how you like it.

1. Weird facts about United States.

2. Interesting facts about India.

3. Facts about Republic day.

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