Education / Entertainment / Life

Lucid Dreaming-Let’s make dreams adventurous.

Well guys, in this post you are about to learn about an interesting topic which is Lucid dreaming.

Haven’t we all experienced dreams And isn’t it true that:

‘Some colors exist in dreams that are not present in the waking spectrum.’

But have you ever been dreaming and realized that you are dreaming? Have you ever been able to control your dreams?

Well, if the answer is yes then you have experienced what is known as lucid dreaming.The term has been popularized by movies such as Inception. About half of the population have experienced it and most start at a very young age. So, is it really possible to make our dreams adventurous?

What is lucid dreaming?

According to specialists ” A lucid dream is defined as a dream during which dreamers while dreaming are aware they are dreaming.”

When does it happen?

Like most dreams, lucid dreams typically occur during REM(rapid eye movement) sleep i.e. the dream stage of sleep.

Some people can lucid dream naturally whereas others have to train themselves to lucid dream.

What is it’s applications?

Its main application is to address nightmares especially recurring nightmares which may affect the person’s quality of life.

The practice of learning to do it in order to stop nightmares from occurring or reoccurring is called ” lucid dream therapy“.

It is an unusual means of entertainment: like experiencing virtual reality.

Major Concerns.

Concern 1:

Many people think that if they are lucid dreaming then they will get stuck in their dreams and it will be difficult for them to wake up.

But according to facts, an individual is able to sleep and dream only for a fixed amount of time. So it doesn’t create problems in waking up.


Another concern about lucid dreaming is that it requires focus and effort so the quality of sleep hinders.

According to the facts people who lucid dream have not noticed any tiredness due to lucid dreaming.

Concern3: Are there any benefits of this type of dreams?

There are no benefits of lucid dreaming other than having fun and memorable dream.

Some of us may never have a lucid dream in our lives and believe me that’s totally normal.

lucid dreaming

Isn’t lucid dreaming an amazing experience? But, according to researchers people with mental illness should not try it. And others also must know the reason why they want to do it and what impact it can have in their lives.


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