How to write nice poetry
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Have you ever wondered how to write a poetry? For writers who wish to delve even more, composing verses allows them to delve into the sand of their experience in search of new glimpses of insight.
And if you use it for less noble reasons, shaping a verse from start to finish can teach you to enjoy the language in completely new ways.
Why do novelists and short story writers try their hand at poetry?
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Are you curious about poetry yet? If you tend to try your luck with a few verses, but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered!
To demystify the hidden art of writing poetry, we spoke with the editor of Reddy, and published poet Lauren Straw. Without further ado, here is how to write a poem in 8 steps.
Step 1. Think about your starting point.
Don’t force yourself to write your poem in order, from first to last line. Instead, choose the starting point your mind can stick to as you learn to think about poetry.
The starting point can be a line or phrase that you want to incorporate into your poem, but it does not need to take the form of language. It can be an image in your head, especially like curling the hair on your daughter’s ear while she sleeps, or as spacious as the sea. It could be a complicated feeling that you want to represent it with precision or a memory you return to over and over again. Think of this starting point as the reason behind your poem, your motivation for writing it in the first place.
If you are concerned that the starting point is not large enough to merit an entire poem, stop there. After all, literary giants have extracted verses from every topic under the sun, from the disappointments after the Odyssey to chilled peaches that are being eaten illegally.
How to write a poem | Tennyson “Ulysses” takes a character from the Greek epic, but that’s just one of the topics you can tackle in your poetry.
Tennyson, Queen Victoria’s Poet Laureate, revisits ancient classic literature in this blank poetry piece on what happens after Lasting Happiness.
As Lauren Stroh sees it, her experience is worth more than immortalized in poetry.
“I think the most successful poems illustrate something real about human experience and help us see the everyday world in new and exciting ways.”
The second step. Free writing in prose
Now that you have your starting point in mind, it is time to put your pen on the paper (or your fingertips on the keyboard).
But you still aren’t writing any real lines. Instead, take the time to delve into the image, feeling, or theme at the heart of your poem, and learn how to fix it with language.
How do you start writing your first poem? Do not go line by line.
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Take 10 minutes and write down everything that pops into your mind when you think about your starting point. You can write in paragraphs, cross out bullet points, or even draw a mind map. The purpose of this exercise is not to produce a blueprint: It is to create a treasure trove of raw materials, a repertoire of unconnected parts to tap into as you earnestly write your poem.
The most important part of this free writing? Don’t watch yourself. Do you find yourself laughing at changing a phrase, thinking about a rhetorical apparatus, or mentally complaining, “This metaphor will never reach the final draft”? Tell this inner critic to shut up now and write it down anyway. You might even be able to hone that dirty impromptu idea down to a crisp, poignant streak.
Step 3. Choose the look and feel of your poem.
After 10 minutes, take a look at what your free writing has produced. Chances are, you have a pretty mess: rebellious metaphors, blurred emotions, sentences that vanish or change structure midway like a grammatical illusion. good! There is a poem somewhere. Your next step? Free him from this language swamp.
Think of your free writing as a piece of marble, richly luster-striped but formless. You will take this block and carve it. This means knowing what kind of look you can stand out in, whether it’s classic and restrained, for example, or natural and seamless.
How to write a poem | Hair d. It showcases a fantastically concrete and sparse style
High resolution. – The pseudonym of the poet Hilda Dolittle – based on sober language and concrete images in her work.
Should I write free verse or try to follow more specific “rules”, such as the rhyme pattern in sonnet or haiku syllabic constraints?
Even if your subject matter calls for a poem without formal restrictions, you have to decide.
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