Entertainment / Happiness

Thoughts of An Introvert while doing things

Hope you and your family are healthy and safe. In this post let’s have a look at things that you will totally relate to if you are an introvert. These are the thoughts of an introvert during various situations.

1. When your phone rings:

**thoughts** : Pleaseeee just stop ringing yourself. I just don’t want to pick you up. Please, please just stop ringing.

thoughts an introvert have while doing things.

1.1 When the phone stops ringing itself
**thoughts** Phew!! Such a relief.
Few seconds later:
Should I call back? Or should I not? If I don’t call back, will it be rude? But, if I call back what would I say…oh god what to do!!

2. When you have to talk/ask something from an unknown person:

**thoughts**: Should I go or should not not? I wish they come to me and then I could ask them what I needed to ask.
*Infinite hours later**
Still thinking of the ways you could do your thing without asking the other person. And framing your sentences in your mind in case you will have to talk to them.

thoughts an introvert have while doing things.

3. When your school/college is having extempore or any assignment where you have to speak:

**thoughts**: You wish this day has never existed and want this assignment to be replaced with any written one.

4. When you are at a party.

**thoughts**: Oh god! What do I do to look occupied. Should I scroll through my phone? Ummm..yes I should do it. I will look occupied like this and I won’t have to talk to anybody. Where has my only friend with whom I can talk has gone. When will this party be over.
It’s been so long, I really need to have some alone time so that I can recharge my battery.

thoughts an introvert have while doing things.

5. You have an endless conversation going on with you in your mind.
And when someone says that you don’t talk too much:

**thoughts**: Hey, I have been talking whole day.
**Few moments later**: But, I haven’t talked to any human being. Oops,maybe it was me talking to myself.
Huhh..never mind. I love talking to myself.

thoughts an introvert have while doing things.

Hope you enjoyed reading the thoughts an introvert have while doing things. Don’t forget to share this post with your introverted friends.

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